Welcome to Digital Pāḷi Dictionary

DPD is a feature-rich Pāḷi-English dictionary which runs in GoldenDict, MDict, and Kindle, or any other application that supports those formats.

Download the latest version from this page on GitHub.

It is a work in progress, made available for testing and feedback purposes.

Here's a handy guide to some of the features available in DPD.

Firstly, you need to get GoldenDict or MDict installed and setup on your machine (Win / Mac / iOS / Linux / Android) or update once a month if you're already installed.

Next, you should really configure the hotkey if you're on Windows or Mac, or try the scan-popup if you're on Linux. This will allow you to click on any word in any Pāḷi text, and automatically open it in GoldenDict.

There are some powerful advanced features for Goldendict that might be useful to you.

While you're at it, here are some more Pāḷi and Sanskrit dictionaries to install for GoldenDict or MDict. These include the Critial Pāli Dictionary, and the Simsapa Combined Dictionary which contains PTS, DPPN and NCPED and more.

If you spot a mistake in DPD, or notice something missing, here's where to report it. It generally takes less than a minute.

If you have any bright ideas to make this dictionary even better, or would like to get involved with the project, please get in touch.

Digital Pāḷi Dictionary is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons License