Setup API in GoldenDict

Here's how to setup DPD as a live searchable website in GoldenDict.

This has the advantage of being quite quick and easy to set up and always being up-to-date with the latest DPD database, and the disadvantage of being a second slower.

⚠️ This will not work at the same time as the offline version of DPD, please disable it before continuing.


Open Menu > Edit > Dictionaries (Shortcut F3)

open dictionaries

(1) In Sources, go to the Websites tab

add website

(2) Click Add

(3) Add the following information

Enable: checked
As Link: unchecked

(1) Go to the Dictionaries tab

reorder dictionaries

(2) Drag to the position where you want it displayed

That's it, you're all set up!

NEXT: Setup API in DictTango