
Pāḷi Dictionaries

  • Buddhadatta , Ven. A.P., 1958. Concise Pāli-English Dictionary (Second Edition) , Dehiwala: Buddhist Cultural Centre
  • Cone , Margaret, 2001. A Dictionary of Pāli Part I a-kh , Oxford: Pāli Text Society
  • Cone , Margaret, 2010. A Dictionary of Pāli Part II g-n , Oxford: Pāli Text Society
  • Cone , Margaret, 2020. A Dictionary of Pāli Part III p-bh , Oxford: Pāli Text Society
  • Rhys Davids , T. W. & Stede,William (editors), 1921-1925. Pali-English Dictionary , Chipstead: Pāli Text Society
  • Trenckner , V, et al., 1925 -2010. A Critical Pāli Dictionary , Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy, accessed through

Sanskrit Dictionaries

  • Apte , V. S., 1890. The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary , Poona: Shiralkar & Co, accessed through
  • Edgerton , Franklin, 1953. Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar And Dictionary Vol. II: Dictionary , Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, accessed through
  • Monier-Williams , Sir Monier, 1899. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary: Etymologically and Philologically Arranged with Special Reference to Cognate Indo-European languages , Oxford: Clarendon Press, accessed through

Classical Pāḷi Grammars

  • Kaccāyanabyākaraṇaṃ
  • Padarūpasiddhi
  • Saddanītippakaraṇaṃ Dhātumālā
  • Saddanītippakaraṇaṃ Padamālā
  • Saddanītippakaraṇaṃ Suttamālā
  • Vuttodayaṃ

Modern Pāḷi Grammars (incomplete)

  • Andersen , Dines & Smith, Helmer, 1921. The Pali Dhatupatha and the Dhatumajusa: Edited with Indexes , Copenhagen: Anderson, Fred, Host & Son, accessed through
  • Buddhadatta , Ven. A.P., 2020. The New Pali Course Parts 1 & 2 (Sixth Edition), Dehiwala: Buddhist Cultural Centre
  • Buddhadatta , Ven. A.P., 2020. The New Pali Course Parts 3 , Dehiwala: Buddhist Cultural Centre
  • Duroiselle , Charles, 2007. A Practical Grammar of the Pali Language (Fourth Edition) , accessed through
  • Geiger , Wilhelm, 2005. A Pāli Grammar , Oxford: Pāli Text Society
  • Oberlies , Thomas , 2001. Pali:A Grammar of the Language of the Theravada Tipitaka, With a Concordance to Pischel's Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen , Berlin: Walter de Gruyter
  • Perniola , V., 1997. Pali Grammar , Oxford: Pāli Text Society
  • Silananda , Sayadaw U & Nandisena, U (Editor), 2002. Pali Roots in Saddanīti Dhātu-Mālā compared with Pāṇinīya-Dhātupāṭha

English Translations (incomplete)

  • Bodhi , Bhikkhu, 2000. The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Saṃyutta Nikāya , Boston: Wisdom Publications
  • Bodhi , Bhikkhu, 2012. The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Aṅguttara Nikāya , Boston: Wisdom Publications
  • Bodhi , Bhikkhu, 2017. The Sutta Nipata: An Ancient Collection of the Buddha's Discourses Togther with its Commentaries , Boston: Wisdom Publications
  • Ñāṇadīpa , Bhikkhu, 2018. The Silent Sages of Old: Suttas from the Suttanipata , Path Press Publications, accessed through
  • Nāṇamoli , Bhikkhu, & Bodhi, Bhikkhu, 2005. The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Majjhima Nikāya (Third Edition) , Boston: Wisdom Publications
  • Sujato , Bhikkhu, 2018. Dīghanikāya: Long Discourses , Sutta Central, accessed through
  • Sujato , Bhikkhu, 2018. Majjhimanikāya: Middle Discourses , Sutta Central, accessed through
  • Sujato , Bhikkhu, 2018. Saṃyuttanikāya: Linked Discourses , Sutta Central, accessed through
  • Sujato , Bhikkhu, 2018. Aṅguttaranikāya: Numbered Discourses , Sutta Central, accessed through
  • Sujato , Bhikkhu, & Walton, Jessica, 2019. Theragāthā: Verses of the Senior Monks (Revised Edition) , Sutta Central, accessed through
  • Sujato , Bhikkhu, & Walton, Jessica, 2019. Therīgāthā: Verses of the Senior Nuns , Sutta Central, accessed through
  • Thanissaro , Bhikkhu, 2017. Handful of Leaves: An Anthology from the Sutta Piṭaka (Revised Edition) , Metta Forest Monastery, accessed through
  • Walshe , Maurice, 1986. The Long Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Dīgha Nikāya , Boston: Wisdom Publications

Academic Papers (incomplete)

  • Deokar , Mahesh A., 2008. Technical Terms And Technique Of The Pali And The Sanskrit Grammars , Sarnath, Varanasi: Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies
  • Deokar , Mahesh A., 2012. Some Probable Sanskrit Sources of the Pali Grammarians With Special Reference to Aggavamsa , New Delhi: DK Printworld
  • Pandita , Ven., 2015. Pali Adjectives: When Progress Hurts , Unpublished
  • Pind , Ole Holten, 1995. Pāli and the Pāli Garmmarians: The Method of the Pāli Grammarians , Stockholm: Association of Oriental Studies
  • Wijesekera , O.H. De A. , 1993. Syntax of the Cases in the Pali Nikayas , Kelaniya: The Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, accessed through

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